Evil is good; Bitches are annoying

Once and a while we have our moments where we just get way too carried away but, it is good when someone notices that in themselves. Well, most people...acutally some to be more prompt realize that. My friend who is going through financial problems has this chick that is always trying to seperate him from his friends and making most of his girlfriends want to break up with her because he has to kiss her ass to continue living in her house. He cannot go to anyone's house currently because, like I said, he has no money; he goes to college. I just hope that one day, that girl will just get what she deserves for hurting his friends and him. I tried to be his psychologist but, sometimes I fail.

If anyone can give me any info to make me able to help him, please do comment. I will highly appreciate it. ^^
May 19th, 2008 at 12:33am