Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill

anyone read it?

If you haven't read it, you definitely should. I was reading it all week in school and it's one of my favorite books now.

It's about this musician who used to be the frontman of this big metal band and he's into collecting really weird stuff. One day he buys this dead mans suit online thats supposedly haunted by this old man. And...well I don't want to say anymore cause I don't want to ruin it but it's super amazing.

My description is pretty bad and the plot doesn't sound that great but the author makes it fucking scary as shit.

Seriously, when I was reading it during class, I almost screamed out loud. I usually don't get scared by horror books because I mean, really, it's not like a movie where the music gets intense and you just know something's gonna make you piss youself.

But this book, I swear! I fucking JUMPED in my seat. It was like I SAW the creepy fucker. And i don't have much of an imagination but I could see everything happening because the way he writes it, is just mindblowing.

And there's a bit about my chem thats kind of funny because it describes them, but he describes them wrong. I dont know, it's just funny.

I just finished reading it last night.
Bad Idea.
I swear I had a fucking nightmare about it. A NIGHTMARE from a fucking BOOK.
It was creeeeepy, man. Just Plain Creepy. The dead man was coming after me when I was at this amazing ACDC concert and he was stalking my family and had this book and man, it was just bad. So I had to sing really fucking loud for him to go away lol Thats kind of insulting to me but yeah to make him go away, I had to sing something that meant a lot to me. But I was so scared I couldn't think of which my chem song to sing, so I sang "If you like pina coladas! And gettin caught in the rain..." lmao and it wasn't working much and I finally had my chem lyrics thrown from my lips "Come one, come all to this tragic affair..." And he stopped and tried to hit me but when he slashed me with his razor, it was like I wasn't there. I don't know, it was cool.

But yeah, definitely go check it out.

And anyone have any books to recommend me? Cause now I don't have anything to read during class.
May 19th, 2008 at 01:35am