The Stick Man

I'm going to see the stick man in about a half hour. The Stick Man is this man in the city over from mine who has these urns filled with sticks like tongue-depressors that are all hand painted and he tells your ast and futrue with them. My nana who I live with went to him and he told my nana about my mom being a drug addict, but my nana hadn't said anything about my mother to him. He also looked at her and said that I was a very tall girl for my age. And I am. I am 5'8 and in the 7th grade. Third tallest in my class. He also told her that he sees my mom dying in 3 months, 6 months or a year. And I believe it because of how hardcore into drugs my mother is. He also said that I would into a lot of trouble with an older boy and I just started dating a guy in the 9th grade...

So, I'll write another journal when I get back.

May 19th, 2008 at 07:15pm