is it just me?

I like this guy. a lot, in fact it kinda scares me but moving on!

whenever I like a guy, my friend clings to him. literally clingsss to him.
at first I was like okay cause the first guy this happened with she was friends with, but it started getting to the point where she was hanging out with him and talking about him constantly
which led me to wonder "I thought I was the one that liked him.."

then I liked a guy who I've been best friends with since I went to this school. and she's hated him. but all of a sudden she was best friends with him. stealing his hat, wanting to dance with him, talking all the time. but I thought she was just being supportive. until he went "Alli, I think I like (Insert name here)" and she was like "oh." but I let it go cause she really us a good friend.

until now.
I said I liked this guy. really liked him. and she had never met him before. in fact I hadn't either, but he was a friend of my close friend and I had talked on the phone and online with him (not as creepy as it seems. and I am sorry for people who would be like "then how could you like him.." because I know I'd probably say the same thing) and then she meets him. gives him her number and starts throwing it in my face that he calls her every day. they become super close in the week separating me when I met him. I really though we hit it off. in fact he started calling me and texting me constantly. but then my friend started calling him and hanging out and making plans with him. She constantly told me that she was just friends with him and I believed her. until he asked her to his semi. and she said yes.

I kinda feel like a bitch for being this upset. she did meet him first and it is only a guy
but it just kinda hurts a little that my best friend knew I liked this guy and she still clung to him.
I'm still friends with her because like I said she's a good friend, and this is only a guy
but I need someone to outright tell me "yes you are being a bitch" or "no you're not" because my other friends are a little biased/ wouldn't want to upset me.

so any thoughts?
May 20th, 2008 at 03:48am