The Slut Epidemic (KRudds Alcohol Tax Spike)

It has gone on since forever.
It used to be the women who showed an inch of ankle, or wore red dresses.
Now it's the ones who get smashed at a party and fuck whatever they can see.

Were targeting obesity, anorexia, workplace relations and under 18s access to alcohol.

If you aren't from Australia and havnt been keeping tabs on our government or are from Australia and have been living under a rock, then you probably wont know/care about what I have to say here.
Okay. Back to it then.

Why don't we target sluts? A zero tolerance policy perhaps? I'm all for a bit of fun, but if you go to a party with the intention of breaking a world record, then don't bother (Unless you really DO break a world record. That'd be kinda fucking awesome. xD).

Now that I've brought it up, K-Rudds (For a definition on our Prime Minister, see Slow, Worthless and Pathetic) tax hike on pre mixed drinks was one of the most stupid fucking things ever.
OF COURSE all these try hard teens will go and get people to buy them bottles of Wild Turkey and Bourbon…stuff. You know, the shit I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.
Watching the news, the news readers were talking in amazed voices about my generation mixing their own drinks…

Can I just say this, right now?
I fucking will anyway, it's my discussion.
My first drink (I had like, 2 cruisers at age 13…so doesn't count) was a lemon and Midori my already slightly intoxicated friend had mixed for me.

It become a lot cheaper to get a bottle of Midori and a couple of lemonades, or a bottle of Smirnoff and lots of OJ for our almost weekly piss ups at Shannons. Cost effective, got us pissed for longer AND we didn't look like a bunch of pansies.

Scenario 1: A 4 pack of Cruisers/Ruskis I will skull all for of them within 15 minutes, be pissed for about an hour, get bored and go to sleep.

Scenario 2: Quarter of a bottle of Jagermeister, a couple of shots (Absinth and Midori) and quarter of a bottle of premixed Cowboys kept me pissed form 8:30 to 11:30 when I finally passed out. Between those hours, I didn't drink ANYTHING.

So. For every weekend of the month, lets do the maths;

Bottle of Jagger=$55
Bottle of Cowboys=$20
75 divided by 4=$18.75

4 pack of Cruisers=$15.

So. You might be paying $3.75 more for the first option, but that's only if you decide that you want ONE four pack. If you get two, you'll be paying extra, and still not be as drunk.

Oh, yes. I got lost in the world of maths.
Who doesn't mix their own drinks anyways? Pansies. >.>

A tax rise on alcohol is stupid. We are teenagers, these are our experimentation years. If we don't do them now, we'll end up like some almost burned out
politician ogling a pair of titties in a New York strip joint.

Oh. Burn.
May 20th, 2008 at 04:50pm