After 5 months.

After 5 months of me being a user here in Mibba I have finally decided that I would make a journal entry.

Nothing exciting happened to me today, I do wish it was the opposite. I always find my life boring. And by boring, I mean BORING. My daily schedule would be wake up at 1 in the afternoon, do the bathroom rituals, eat lunch, then open the computer to look for something that would excite me.

I am an anti-social person. The only time you'd see me coming out from my house is when I go to school or to go somewhere. I don't associate with my neighbors. Don't get me wrong though, I have a lot of friends, in school that is. But I have 4 best friends, I'm not too sure about the other one though since we're very FAKE to each other. I don't like her, I guess she doesn't like me too, so, I guess she's not part of the group then... I have another best friend though, but I'm not sure if she still is my best friend, since we're not that close anymore.

I love talking about me actually, but I'm not those vain cheerleaders. I'm more complicated than them....

What to talk about now?

Well... I don't seem to be in the mood to talk anymore, then I guess it's my queue to go.
May 20th, 2008 at 05:09pm