Lawlerbot + Roflcopter = Also With a Cat

I can't shake the feeling of this charade.

I really wish I was like you, ignorant, but so goddamn blissful. I'm not though. I read about you people, and I find you so easy to disect that it bores me. And yeah, I'm putting myself above you, because I am. Your lives revolve around your little drinking parties every weekend. You think you've got it figured out? Your popped collars and shaved heads merely annoy me.

Firstly, your lack of respect for everyone older and more experienced than yourselves revolts me. Your morality system is equivalent to the latest episode of the OC and your political views are akin to whatever you saw a few weeks ago on the terribly factually inaccurate 'Zeitgeist'. I could write a goddamn essay on the errors that movie has made. Just believe everything that will make you sound smart, right? Make it seem like you're an individual? You're not. You're copies of each other. You come to school on the first day, and by second year, you're all already effing carbon copies of each other. You dye your hair blonde, you eat less, exercise more, buy from the same store, whilst all acting very similiar as well.

Then there's this ethnic stereotypes that sadly all seem to make sense for the majority. For instance, I won't apply this on an individual basis, but why is it that a good portion of the black population refuses to talk to the whites, and sits at their own goddamn table? Do the Caucasians frighten you or something? Not to be frank or anything, but they are DAMN scared of you guys.

Honestly, this is why I end up dating women that people consider weird. Nothing can be beautiful without strangeness. I can level with that. Fuck, I can level with most people, but I just don't get this teenage attitude.

"Write LOVE on your hands to raise awareness for teenage depression."
"Don't speak to raise anti-homophobia awareness."
It's bullshit, and you HAVE to admit that. The majority of you pretend to actually care, but you really wouldn't actually have the originality and caring to do something totally new and revolutionary! God no! You'll play it safe and stick with the conformist revolution. Who ever bothers to think for themselves nowadays!? Pah.

Oh, and Kristin, I hope you caught the part where I inadverdantly called you beautiful. I'm sorry, I know you said no terms of endearment, but that was just purely coincidental. Besides, Reema and Randa are just SO much more gorgeous.
May 21st, 2008 at 06:04am