Fench BLAH

No actually i like french. it's fun to speak especially when you're cussing someone out. XP

it's always funny to speak it in front of my mom and she can't understand a word i'm saying. haha

dude...i'm bored. school is boring and my phone just died so i can't watch youtube. this sucks and i just got it yesterday. watching youtube really kills the battery. from now i should probably remember to bring the charger huh?? anywho...everything is like blocked and it sucks. even photobucket is blocked. i think that's because of me since i used to get on it all the time. :P

i wasn't looking at anything bad....just really hott emo guys. OMG.

i'm just pretty much ranting about anything and everything today. this really hott kid added me on myspace and i don't know why. he's from ohio though and i want his body. zomg. he is sooooooooooooo freakin gorgeous. i'll get one of his pictures and put it on here. ladies prepare to drool and i mean BUCKETS.

in my opinion he's that hott and my friends think he's hott too. but i better go madame is yelling at me.

"lucie-claire you're supposed to be looking up gerard depardieu not talking to your friends." only she said it in french.

haha :P
May 21st, 2008 at 04:22pm