American Idol, round two.

Begins boxing style- contestants in their respective corners.
OMG DCook's in boxing gloves and a robe. *headdesk*
hahah Archie: 'weighing in at around 100 pounds soaking wet'
ONLY on Idol.

Nokia theater is huge holy crap.

Some dude: "Winning is about being able to trust your instincts." Kinda hard when Archie doesn't have any, eh?

They keep talking about the two 'men'. I don't get it- all I see is a man and a small fetus next to him.

Oh and I'll stop hating on Archie, really. He's a fake cute kid.

Round One:

Cook's up first.
Singing 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For'.
*resists urge to sway*
Wow Paula, way to be not original at all.
Simon: "Phenomenal". \o/

Audio mixing = 1,000x better than last week.

Archie singing 'Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me'
Baby David singing a ballad?? :O This boy's versatility amazes me.
He's too easy to rip on, I'm sorry.
Randy called it "flawless".
Come on Simon, bring the reality check.


Round Two:

DCook singing 'Dream Big'
Hello, guitar. Those lights are going to give me a seizure.
Judges are just meh about it.

-commerical- This show needs to quit making it so obvious that they're going online to see what fans are talking about. So far Ryan has read 'Big David and Little David' and 'Archie' off the script, and Randy called Cook 'DC'. Wot? No nicknames fresh off the interweb, thx.

Uh, I didn't catch what he was singing.
This would make a great lullaby.
Castro sighting!
Randy pulls out his sing the phonebook line.
Simon declares round two to baby David.
Oh, hold it together Archie.


Round Three:

DCook singing 'The World I Know'

DC's falsetto is so pretty.
tearrrrs ahhh omg.
Paula: "you're standing in your truth" o__O
Simon: "Hey America, go vote for Archu-bot."

Archie sings Imagine sporting a pair of wings, a halo, and some lip gloss. Two of those accessories are a lie.

Ruben Studdard singing now?? Uhhh, kay. Archie's fans don't cheer- they do not compute because they weren't alive when Ruben won American Idol.

Post-show rants thoughts:
Is this show really as dumb as I'm beginning to believe, by so blatantly endorsing Archuleta? Or are they trying the trick of 'getting the fans so blindly furious that they vote like none other so the contestant that got shafted actually prevails'? Cause let me tell you, Cook's fans are pissed. But on the other hand, if he doesn't win, it might be better. He'll get a way better record deal, yo.

And that was American Idol summarized, brought to you by anorexicbeautyqueen. =]
May 22nd, 2008 at 01:56am