Get The Full Story Next Time.

"...But all of this did teach me a little something. It taught me to get the full story. Before I start making plans, passing judgment, or talking about someone, I need to make sure I get the full scoop. Don't just jump on the judgmental express to slanderville. Otherwise, ths may be the one that doubles back and bites."-------Excerpt from 97: Random Thougts About Life, Love & Relationships by Justin Lookadoo

Yeah, I'm reading that book currently, and that particular 'thought' really made me...well, think. Kinda funny that way, huh? lol Anyway...on to the topic of this journal.

I'm sick of labels being thrown around like darts just because of someone's outward appearance, music taste, religious beliefs, or otherwise.

Just because someone listens to Marilyn Manson, does that automatically mean they are Atheist like him? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Just because someone's favorite color is black automatically makes them Gothic, right? Um, not necessarily.

Just because someone has their hair cut to where their bangs cover up half of their face, anyone on the outside looking in can safely assume that they are "Emo" and cut themselves, correct? Of course it doesn't.

So why do people always make these assumptions? Is it because they're too scared to venture out of their own safety zone and get to know someone who might be even in the slightest bit different? Or maybe it's because people think that if they talk to 'someone like that' that it makes them appear as a 'freak', and far be it for them to be the one out of their own group of friends to make the leap, and talk to someone who has different tastes in different things, but still has quite a few similar ideas.

Personally, I think it's both. I guess, in a way, those two go hand in hand, don't they? I mean, if you're afraid to venture out of your personal safety zone to talk to someone who isn't exactly like you or the rest of your friends, aren't you limiting yourself to becoming best friends with someone least expected?

Although I know it's never going to happen, it would be nice if people would just stop, get to know a person, and then make judgements. Rather than seeing them walk down the street wearing their black band tshirt, black nail polish, random colors in their hair, listening to their iPod and automatically assume they're emo. All I'm saying is just get the 'full story before climbing on board the judgmental band wagon' and actually take the time to find out what a person's really about.

Sure, some people who listen to Marilyn Manson are Atheist, and some people that favor the color black are Gothic, and some people that have their haircut like that are 'emo' and do cut themselves, but don't put everyone that has those characteristics into that particular category.

When I first started listening to Avenged Sevenfold, my mom took one look at their picture (it was the picture in the liner of Waking The Fallen, for those of you who are familiar with it and wanted to know which one I was talking about) and ask me if I was Gothic. Yes, mom. Just because I listen to a band who loves the color black, that makes ME Gothic. *note the sarcasm* This literally made me laugh out loud. She assumed that just because they LOOKED Gothic, automatically made me and them Gothic. Hell, they're not even Gothic. They're Catholic for Pete's sake. And even if they were Gothic, why would that make me Gothic? Just because I enjoy their music doesn't mean I'm going to follow their lifestyle choices.

So, all in all, I just don't understand why people prejudge others based on first glances. Seems rather immature to me.

Eh, anyway...that's my two cents. Just thought I'd rant a little about it, lol. Thanks for...well, I'd say listening, but I suppose you're actually reading, so thanks for reading. haha Feel free to add me, message me, comment me, whatever. :)

May 22nd, 2008 at 05:36am