"This Band Saved My Life."

Really? Yeah, I don't think so.

I hate when people say that -insert given band name here- saved their lives. No they didn't. Sure, they may have helped you turn your life around and realize the good things in life, but no, they didn't SAVE your life. How can someone you don't even know, have never met, and probably will never meet save your life? Only you can do that.

Was that particular band physically in attendance to tell you to turn your life around? Or, were they there to say "-insert your name here- you're headed down a destructive path, you should reconsider your life"? No? Well, then how can you say they "saved my life"? Precisely. You can't.

Forgive me if you think I'm being "harsh", but I'm sorry, honey. The truth hurts sometimes. Not much I can do about it. It needs to be told, so I took it upon myself to break it to you, sorry.

I'm just tired of reading it all over the place. Sometimes, I just want to smack people and tell them to snap out of it. Like, c'mon people. Just because their songs are meaningful and make you thankful for what you have, does not mean they 'saved your life'. Did they help you see the brighter side of things? Sure. Did they inspire you to be yourself and not care what others thought/think of you? Okay, I'll believe it. But, you cannot honestly tell me that if you were contemplating committing suicide that they 'told' you to stop. It didn't happen like that, and you know it.

Anyway, I'll stop ranting for the night.

May 22nd, 2008 at 09:50am