Updates, When are they coming?!

Soo the people who actually bother to read my 'Haner' series are probably wondering: 'Gee, when the heck are there gonna be some new chapters up?!"

GOOD Question! up until recently, I have been working on this series. And it's been a good three years [I think] since I started this series. I got the whole plot down already and how it'll end. It's just the middle junk that needs to be put in the way to get towards our series finale. But don't worry, we're not there yet.

I was thinking about getting a co-writer to help me out with it, but then I though what if they don't like my ideas and I don't like theirs? Sooo, I'd prefer to do it by myself and have a good story out even if it takes me another two years to finish then a half ass story. Seriously.

Other then that, I'm writing most of the stories I've written but for now I'm just writing One-Shots. I think those are much more simpler. Simply because they're stories, cut down in half.

Don't really need to go around with so many details when you can just write it in one chapter.

Anyways, that's all for today I guess.

Ohh! Four ONE-SHOTS have been posted up. If you love Haner, then I think you'll love these short stories!

Thanks kitties!
May 22nd, 2008 at 05:28pm