
I love twilight and I am a total honest to goodness fan, but does Bella get on your nerves?

Sorry if you love Twilight, or the series, or you haven't read the series, there will be a major spoiler so don't read any farther.

Okay, Bella is extremely whinny about Edward. I mean it's always 'Edward I love you" and "Edward I'm not good enough for you" and "Edward, its whatever you want". And she's so passive. Her character isn't even throughly thought out.

Edward and Jacob are really good though. Their characterization is very well managed and they seem to actually have other thoughts than being alone with their loved one.

I don't know, I love the series, don't get me wrong. I just think Bella's a little too whinny for me and WAY to obsessed with Edward, even with Love on her side, she's bordering stalker.

No offense to those that love the books.

What do you think?

May 23rd, 2008 at 01:12am