About My Stories

Okay, here is the deal. I don't have that much readers that actually comment, I only have one friend that comments everytime I update. You know who you are! ;)

So I'm thinking of doing one of these:

- I'm not going to update until my stories are over with. Which I don't know when that will be. My chapters that are all ready up will still be there.

- I'll keep on updating (But I'm not going to have a new chapter every week or something, maybe once every month. It depends) and continue hoping people will comment.

I'm not telling you, you have to comment but it's really hard not knowing if you are doing a good job or not. You can tell me what you want me to do and I'll consider it but I'm not making any promises.

And I know it takes some time to get people to notice your stories (Well, not really, I've seen stories that have only two chapters and they have about twenty comments... o.O), but I'm pretty sure half of Mibba will only read a story if it's a fanfic. not an original. I'm not saying fanfics are bad, I just dislike people passing up an opportunity to read a perfectly good story. I am not talking about mine here. -rolls eyes- I just want to let you know I have read really good originals on this site.

Sorry if I offended anyone with this little rant. I apologize.

Until next time my dears,
May 23rd, 2008 at 03:02am