
I'm stuck in this feeling.

I, myself, don't own it or control it and until recently didn't even realize it's exisitance, but trust, it's there.

I feel it and it hurts. Not much, but more like a slow throb that pulses, just a little. A slight pain, more like a sting, but I can't show it hurts. I won't show it hurts because I'll just give myself away.

But, I want to shout. I want to scream because of it's annoying little pulsing throb. It just rests there on the surface. Right above the thoughts that become words. No one knows it's there. No one can tell it's chewing me alive in here, keeping me hostage.

I want to let it out. Or for it to let me out. I want to feel the sting it leaves as I throw it from my lips.

'Get out. Go. Listen to me because I, alone, hold my feelings.'

Too bad those are just typed words. Just fucking thoughts pushed from my brain to my fingers. Nothing more than letters in a journal but every word I cannot say.

This feeling,

this feeling is crazy.

This feeling is making me pretty damn crazy.

It's crazy, insane even.

It's me crazy about

May 23rd, 2008 at 04:50am