Just buying time...

I am currently downloading a video, since the download is so slow, I decided to write a journal, to of course, buy time.

A while ago, I went to my school to get my books for the upcoming year. I saw my friends, classmates and other people that I know. Yea, I know, it's boring.

Well, after that we went to the supermarket to buy our groceries, my mom almost bought the store! (Sorry on the emphasis.) She just bought a lot of things, because our helper in the house just suddenly decided to resign.

Well let me tell you a bit about our helper here. She had stayed with us for almost two years, and imagine our shock that we just go, and the way that she said it to my mom, was kind of disturbing. Don't get me wrong, she didn't disrespect my mom, it was just weird because that morning she was acting strange. Strange in a way that, uhmmm... Let me just explain the situation.

My mom told her that a few of our relatives will come visit to have lunch with us, then her mood seemed to swing, that she got annoyed. (Note that she was feeling fine before my mom told her that.) So since that happened my mom just scoffed her off and told her that she'll just clean the dishes, and cook the food. (Our helper is our maid too, I don't know what's the difference, but I'd rather call her our helper). So the day went back to normal, our visitors came and went. Then after some time, our helper dropped the bomb.

To me it was kind of like a lame excuse to resign. Her excuse of leaving because she was too tired to clean the dishes and everything, she did once told our mom, that she was always annoyed whenever we had visitors over, 'coz then she'll have to do extra work and everything, I mean I get her point but it's not like we make her do everything, we help around too. (Note: This journal was only to buy time, and look at what it is!)

And another thing, whenever our dad would come back to visit (he's assigned to different city that's way to far from our place). She would complain to my mom and ask her when he's (my dad) leaving. Well then of course you'd be annoyed if you're at my mom's shoes because, HELLO! My dad just arrived and she wants to ask him when he's leaving, when my mom misses my dad! Then she would say because when my dad's around she doesn't have anyone to accompany her to have meals, and that my mom ignores her. Which is wrong because, well of course since it's a long time you've seen your husband, you want to spend your whole time with him, because she misses him so much.

So then, my mom said that it was rather a good thing that she resigned.

But the next day we were shocked because the way that she left was really rude. She banged on our door to let us know that she'll go, lucky for me I didn't hear it. My mom was actually planning to talk to her because, the way she acts wasn't surprising. She and my mom always have these little fights, then they'd be friends again. So well, I guess my mom never did get a chance because she left.

So that's the story about something that happened in my life. I'd better go now, I think the download's almost done.
May 23rd, 2008 at 05:13pm