Religion and friendships.

I haven't really been brought up with faith being important in my life. It still isn't that important. It may be to some of you, it may be what gets you through the day. Hey, I might not exactly believe but that doesn't make me not understand.

I guess I decided to write about this since I just lost a friend because she decided I wasn't worthy of a good Christian like herself. That's bullshit. But I guess it was her decision, she thought maybe I would corrupt her with my being an Atheist. Her exact words, "I don't want you to screw me up and say things that aren't true, God really does exist and I won't let you tell me otherwise," Some more shit like that... "Sorry but our beliefs are too different. If you aren't going to start seeing the truth I can't be friends with you anymore."

I ask you, would God want you to dump a good friend because they don't share your beliefs? It shouldn't really matter unless you fight over it all the time would it? I mean, it really depends on personalities and whether you get along with each other. Doesn't it?

Honestly, I would like to be proven wrong, I'd like to KNOW for a FACT that there is a higher power. I don't push my beliefs on people. In my book THAT'S wrong. Not homosexuality. Not abortion. Not sin.

What's your opinion? Do you think religion should rule a friendship?
May 23rd, 2008 at 11:20pm