four feelings

Dear Libby,(my diary has a a name)
Last Night my old school had graduation.
I got told i looked so pretty :)
Our close friend emma was graduating but that's not why i went.
I went to go see my old friend and my current crush Steven.
When I saw him I tried to talk to him and his voice had totally changed.
I liked it! But he seemed to kinda push away from me which was weird.
I waited a month to see him and when i finally see him he doesn't want anything to do with me.
Maybe someone told him i liked him or he thought i looked slutty. I don't know.
Today I just feel so depressed,sad,lonely,and angry.
I found out something today and I'm not so thrilled about it.I don't wanna confront the person about it but its driving me insane.Ahh! Everytime I change to be a "better person" things go wrong and I'm left with no friends and people hate me.
What can i do?
I have no clue.
May 24th, 2008 at 11:21pm