
So here's the new thing I'm pissed about. . . ABORTION. The fact that people are punishing their own poor innocent baby for their mistake. It's quite stupid really. People who wouldn't murder a full grown adult, would kill something that hasn't even gotten the chance to see the world yet. Just because it's not fully alive, doesnt mean your not taking a life away. You're taking away one more life that God intended to live in this world. Your taking away a childs chance to walk. Taking away it's chance to talk. Taking away it's chance to cry, laugh, and scream. Your taking away it's everything And that just isn't *right*. Why doesn't anyone seem to see that?
You wouldn't smother a 3 year old. You wouldn't stab a 28- year old man. You wouldn't even drown a poor old lady. Then why are you killing millions of babies?

And yes i realize that there are a lot of people who *don't* believe in abortion and props to you. But this is to everyone; whether you do or dont or don't even care which way. I'm telling you my opinion. And that is that the whole concept is just wrong.

It's just wrong.
May 26th, 2008 at 04:30am