I feel like Shit

So my feelings are that I pretty much hate my life right now. Nothing is the way I want it to be. I love that my parents are cool with me being gay, but sometimes I feel like my mom is trying to get to me to say like a guy is cute in front of her or something by pointing out the guys she thinks are cute, but I totally do not like the same kind of guys she does. Anyway, even if i did, I think it's way to awkward to be talking about guys in front of your mom, gay or straight. It's just not something I'm comfortable with doing. But she's always like oh he's sooo cute, always in front of me, or when I'm around, it's pretty annoying, but I love my mom, I don't want to be like, "Shut up already with the cute guys" IDK. And then there's the situation with my driver's license, I like don't even feel like studying to get it, cuz it feels like school, and I totally hated school, cuz I would get bored and then think about the things that I've done, then get all depressed. Especially at the fact that I'm gay. I mean, I'm alright with being gay and everything, but sometimes I think life would be so much easier if I was straight IDK, maybe that's bull. I just don't like it when my friends say faggot and shit, and I try for it to not bother me, but I can't help it, it just offends me. I try to remind myself that that's just how people tlk, especially teenagers. But it bugs me every time I hear it.
May 27th, 2008 at 05:00am