When You Call Me "Beautiful"...

I'm sorry
that when you call me beautiful,
I fight it.

I believe you when you call me beautiful, but I fight it because I feel stupid for believing you.

I dont want you to know I believe you.

It's hard for me to explain but I don't think I'm the only one that feels this way.

Girls are told all the time they are beautiful. Or they should be.

Unfortunately, they are also told all the time they are ugly.

And really, what goes to say that im stupid for believing I'm ugly instead of beautiful?

I think we, or at least I, base how I look on how I feel.

And I guess that's also often why I don't dress up for boys at all, but more likely I'll dress up for my girls.

My girls make me feel good when I look good, and I trust them when they say I do.

And so I fight it, because I trust you.

And it makes me feel good when you say these things...

But then I remember you're a boy,
and that I shouldn't be a sucker for boys who say these things.

'Cause even though guys have a fine line between beautiful and hot, it's not the same as the line girls have.

I think girls all see beautiful is like a feeling.
and hot as how we actually physically appear.

But when we are called beautiful, by a guy,
we dont know if they mean it the way we mean it
and if they feel like we are beautiful
or just see us as hot.

'Cause guys' line between beautiful and hot
is that while hot is like sexy
beautiful is like sweet, soft, cute looking, girl next door kinda thing.

But that's not what we mean at all...

All in all,
whether you say it to make me smile,
to get in my pants,
or because you really think so,
I think that I will now choose to believe you.

Whether I fight it,
or become sarcastic,
or even on the rare occasion except it,
I believe you.

Because I believe you,
Thank you.
May 27th, 2008 at 05:47am