My Beautiful Future.

I figured out my story. So basically, after Austin broke up with me because he was a lying jackass, I met Ryan Sheckler at the beach. He was surfing with his friends and we met and we fell in love.

and everything was dandy but then the JONAS BROTHERS flew into CA and moved here and I ran into them when Ryan and I were on a date to Universal Studios. Nick was there and he saw me buying Cotton Candy while Ryan was in the bathroom and we had a brief moment of eye contact and he slipped his number into my pocket and it was love at first sight.

Then Ryan came back and that's the official start of my affair with Nick Jonas. And then, when I was skateboarding to Ryan's house (because we all know I can skateboard), I fell into a magical puddle that transported me into Narnia into Prince Caspian's lap. LMFAO. THAT was love at first sight.

I stayed there for so long and we fell in love and had beautiful babies and married. but then aslan said that it was time for me to go and i got sad and prince caspian said he would wait for me so i went back to CA and realized that sadly, no time had passed. So I continued going to Ryan's house.

(1 YEAR LATER-putting us in the present) Ryan and I are engaged and and Nick's affair with me and Marisa is sstill as strong as ever ;) haha and then I magically flew into london and ran into Ben. We recognized each other's souls from the wonderful land of Narnia and eloped.

So, in conclusion, I am secretly married to Ben Barnes who sneaks into my Inglehood apt each weekend from London, while still being engaged to Ryan, and Marisa and I, in turn, have an affair with Nick Jonas.
May 27th, 2008 at 06:04am