That one quality...

Have u ever had that one quality that you would love to get rid of ? Well mine is my extreme shyness to other people. Without that quality i think i would a better person to myself. I know that seems selfish to only care about me but lately I've been out of it during school and my family because I'm always to speak up for myself. and i so what want to make new friend because my friends now aren't exactly trying to include me in what they do and that somewhat bothers me. Like how one of my friends rob, he and i used to get a long really well but now it seems like he hates me and wishes for my death, and I'm not being over dramatic trust me. Also my friend jackie and i had a fight in like February and it still seems she is somewhat mad at me for that and it was a really stupid fight too. so all i want to do is be a little more out going and try to meet people so i can make new friends. But i have to be the most shyest person in the world!!!And i'm starting high school next year, fuck!!!
May 27th, 2008 at 09:06pm