Fajitas, Pine Sol, Rainbows, and Broken Hearts

[I am not going to apologize today for my horrible spelling and my never-ending bitching.]

***Listens to Magazines by: Brand New***

I will start by saying...that I did not get the job @ Cracker Barrel. Sadness...I turned in my Application and the manager guy says that he is only hiring full time workers. Everyone needs to boycott all Cracker Barrels..until they hire me… This counts me out for a job. This made me sad…Actually very depressed. But, through my sadness, I must prevail…Well, @ least I have an application put in a one other restaurant. You guys better put all your positive energy together and get me hired b/c I really need a job. “Why do you need a job” you may ask? My answer is: “Don’t ask me questions…? I am way too depressed to even think of all the Cds and converses I could have bought with all my tips from Cracker Barrel…!”

Well, school today was okay. It rained and we couldn’t play soccer b/c all of the preps would have melted in the rain. My P.E. teacher was being evil and made us do a lot of…this so called… exercise that was completely unnecessary…as usual. The P.E. teacher is supposed to be getting married, so why isn’t she in good mood… come on. I thought sex made people happy, so, Coach Courts, why aren’t you on top of the world or I don’t know glowing or what not? Whatever... I will never understand adults…unless you just so happen to be Ryan Ross…I that case I fully understand adults… Theatre Arts was cool today...we watched Dragonfly (with Kevin Costner). It was a scary movie and all I have to say is: “Meet me @ the rainbow”.
Then came Computer Applications (this is the class that me and my crush have together).Once again me and my star-crossed over did not speak to each other. He got a..um..weird hair cut..but still my heart jumps a little bit every time I see him. I’ve been sorta kinda..turned down by him @ Homecoming and was publically humiliated by seeing him at the Winter Formal with his then girlfriend. The question I keep asking myself is...Why? Why do I even try? Why do I think about him all the time? The only thing trying to go after him has gained me is broken dreams and a shattered heart. I bet he doesn’t even know how much he has hurt me without saying one damn word.
Algebra was the same old stuff as usual… Mr. Morton and his oldness. Okay he did this thing with the door today and it kinda…okay… a lot looked like he was jerking off the doorknob. It was so funny! I thought I was going to die laughing. Then school ended and I got on the bus. That’s when things got weird…me and my friends somehow got on the subject of your fajita (codeword for vag…shh…). I know that it was completely inappropriate, but it was just funny as hell. What can I say…? One of my friends described…a fajita…as a furball...yeah..I should probably just stop now…
When I got home mom was there again and in a weird mood. She got all psycho and made me mop..and no don’t mop with bleach..it’s got to be Pine Sol..You know what I didn’t even think that they sold Pine Sol any more…I guess you learn something new everyday...huh?
***Corny Lesson of Today**
Never count your eggs before they hatch…(or whatever)

Well, farewell for tonite. I do believe I shall retire for the evening…

Praying For A Job,
May 29th, 2008 at 03:59am