Lou(ise) Lamondre: Character Sheet and Artistic Rendering

Picture made for me by an awesome artist on DeviantART, KumariRin

Some of the Basics First:
Full Name – Louise Evey Lamondre
Meaning of Name – Her parents are from the rich class even though Lou hates that fact, her real name being Louise, she prefers the nickname Lou, making her seem less fancy and rich like her parents are. She is actually named after one of her grandmothers who forced her parents into choosing the name and middle name because she wanted to have a granddaughter with a fancy name.
Nickname– As per request from Lou herself, her friends and everyone else around her calls her Lou, the teachers and headmaster might have a knack of calling her Louise but she always manages to interrupt them before they can utter it out completely.
Birth Date– 28 October 1992
Astrological Sign– Scorpio
Birth Place– Oakland-California
Age – 16/17 (at the time of the story).
Race – White/Caucasian.
Hair Color – Naturally dark chocolate brown but dyed in a colour that is between dark and very flashy red.
Hair Style – She hides her eyes behind strays of her long hair and cut it in a way that it doesn't bother her as it's slightly spiked up at the back of her head and sides.
Shape and Features of Face– A round face and a cute button nose, for a fact, she doesn't have anything in common with her parents, making her subconsciously believe she is adopted, if only she didn't have that same smirk like them.
Eye Color– Hazel
Skin Tone– Very pale.
Any Scars or Distinguishing Marks – During her first appearances in the story, she doesn't have any visible scars, she does have a scar running over her side for a reason she rather keeps to herself, also plans on getting her lip pierced one day.
Build or Body Type – Small and not exactly thin, she is known amongst the boys in the school for her perfect curves but is a disappointment to many as she hides these under the many layers of clothes or loose clothing that doesn't flatter her curves at all.

Family and Childhood:
Mother– Loves shopping and is the complete opposite of Lou, always mentions that her daughter can't be related to her whenever she sees her in her loose clothing and band merchandise, never really liked Lou's choice of clothing, music or hairstyle but learned that it isn't such a smart thing to say anything against it.
Father– Likes to spoil his daughter and is Lou's main source if she wants to order band merchandising, however, at the time of the story, she is meeting more and more problems to convince him to buy those clothes for him as he's starting to realize she'll never get married to a rich young handsome man by the age of 19 if she keeps dressing herself like that.
Parents' Occupations– None, they spend time at home, although her father keeps a close eye on the market and so got famous in that department
Family Finances – Thank to her grandfathers and father, the family is well provided and they live up to it, claiming they're one of the richest families in the city.
Other Close Family– Emelie and the Armstrong family, no matter what happened, Lou can always come there and she will be accepted for who she is, they don't care if she's not blood related or not.
Best Friend – Lyra, because both of them are so crazy and can be silent when they want too, Lyra and Lou understand each other in the same way Emelie and Andrea understand each other perfectly.
Other Friends – Andrea, the girl who always analyzes everything but is still a precious friend to Lou because she is great at giving advice, Emelie, who is like a sister to Lou because she's always there whenever Lou wants to talk about things no one else knows.
Home Life During Childhood – Lou was always a reader when she was little, over the years, and being ignored by her parents who forced her to wear pretty girl clothes while she'd rather wear loose clothes, she turned away from that, claiming they remind her too much of wearing little pink skirts with bows in her hair and some blush on her cheeks, making her look like a porcelain doll.
Any Sports or Clubs – is climbing trees with Andrea a sport? If it is, Lou is very good in it.
Schooling – Was home-schooled for most of her childhood and proved herself to be a rather smart girl if she actually did something, finally convincing her parents to let her go to public school, she met her friends and pushed her more and more away from her home schooled knowledge.
Favorite Subject– Chemistry, because she has the dream of becoming a pyromaniac engineer later on
Popular or Loner– Loner, she could easily get in with the rich crowd if she wanted, since she's familiar with all of them and knows them from play dates when she was small but rejects all of that and rebels against it.
Health Problems – The scar on her side is the most serious thing she had that concerns her health, even though she doesn't remember how she got it. She also broke her nose once by falling out of a tree (her mother was more concerned about the bloodstains on her white dress than her bleeding nose though)

Your Character's Character:
Bad Habits– falling out of trees, it happens to her more than you can imagine, oh, and singing out loud to her Ipod and whatever song that's playing, most of the time she does it in public too and whenever she does that, her music isn't exactly Disney songs and hit herself (a nasty habit she took up from Little Jimmy Urine)
Good Habits– she got pretty good manners when she's around people she doesn't know and will try to make a good impression, although her bad habit of singing obnoxious lyrics out loud ruin that good impression most of the times...
Strong Points – Well obviously she hates homophobes, that's for sure, and she's also pretty defended of her bands if they get criticized in a bad way.
Temperament – Lou will not get easily angry at someone but rather send back witty remarks or song lyrics to anger them even more or to put them off. She does get hyper easily though, perhaps she should stop listening to that Ipod once in a while...
Attitude – Tends to get on people’s nerves, with all of her singing and dancing around while her parents try to get her to behave, it usually gets her going even more and to sing even more absurd and obnoxious lyrics just to anger them. She is quite the rebel.
Weakness – her bands probably, she is quite the fan and if anything would happen to any of them, she would probably freak out and either Emelie, Lyra or Andrea would have to calm her down for a good while before she's alright again.
Fears – being married off to some rich scumbag that doesn't deserve her
Secrets – doesn't have much secrets but learned it the hard way that telling them to her parents isn't such a smart idea
Regrets – not rebelling against her parents the moment she could
Feels Vulnerable When– whenever people mention her parents, she doesn't like them, they don't like her, end of discussion, she really wishes people would stop criticize her for being who she is and not because she isn't who she should be
Pet Peeves – she has a soft spot for buttons and pirate flags for some reason...
Conflicts– all I know is that she has a lot of them with her parents concerning her hair, they will never learn will they?
Motivation – Trying to get people see that she is her own person and the fact that she has her own hidden talents that people sometimes overlook because she is from a rich family.
Goals and Hopes – Find someone that loves her back as much as she loves him and not be forced into an arranged marriage with a selfish pig
Sexuality– keeps it a secret from everyone around her, doesn't really like talking about it too, although she is known for kissing girls as well as boys, so her friends reason that she is bisexual.
Exercise Routine– runs in the park, three hours a week, it's also a time for her to listen to her Ipod and think of things
Speech – In writing, can be very eloquent and well-expressed. When speaking, her words are often dotted with sarcasm, and general disdain.
Tag Words – “Fuck...”; “I fell out of a tree again,” ; “...-sings random lyrics-”
Gestures – places her hands on her hips a lot while raising her eyebrow, trying to look intimidated, otherwise, random dancing moves during her walking is common for her.
Day or Night Person – Day person, which is funny since her closest friends are the complete opposite, she's practically the one that drags them out of their bed when they have a sleepover so they can do fun stuff instead of laying in bed all day, much to the annoyance of Emelie, Andrea and Lyra though.
Introvert or Extrovert– Depends on who is around her, though in most cases she’s more of an introvert.
Optimist or Pessimist – Is more optimistic than people would likely give her credit for.

Likes and Styles
Music – Loves the underground punk-scene and will often go to clubs where multiple bands are playing that night to find new music. Also has a thing to check out any band that goes on tour with Green Day
Books – Used to read a lot of books so she could have an excuse of not going outside to tea parties but stepped away from that once she reached high school since she started to get more into music
Magazines – Hardly reads them.
Foods – No fish, even though the cooks at her house are really good at their job, she doesn't eat a lot and that gets her in trouble with the cook, one of her friends in the cook, who is part of the household crew her parents have, he keeps telling her she doesn't eat enough, she doesn't do anything about it though.
Drinks – Coffee, preferably black with two sugars in it, she doesn't really care how it tastes though, as long as it keeps her awake. Water, whenever she's somewhere where coffee isn't allowed (such as schools and pubs)
Animals– has a soft spot for wolves
Sports – are you sure climbing trees isn't an official sport?
Social Issues – She will often let lyrics speak for her whenever she is faced by people she doesn't want to get in conversation with or are berating her on how she looks. Most of the time, she gets extra cool points from Andrea if she uses lyrics from one of the bands she likes as well.
Color – The same colour as her hair, somewhere between dark red and flashy red, it fits good with all her black clothing
Clothing – Prefers black clothing and will often be seen with band merchandising and chains, also wears combat boots because they're much more comfortable than the heels her mother buys for her all the time.
Jewelry – wears small ring earrings and forgets to take them out, by the fact that they're so small and don't bother her she doesn't remove them unless she wants to put in others, which is a very rare thing.
Games – doesn't play much games, except hide and seek with Andrea in the tree, that is kind of fun according to her even though Emelie would sigh whenever she admits it.
TV Shows – Doesn’t watch much TV, except the music channels from to time.
Movies – Despises any romance-themed movie, Ironically, can certainly get into most action/adventure movies, no matter how corny or unrealistic, she just loves science-fiction movies with a lot of blood in them. Has a soft spot for Tim Burton movies, Johnny Depp, Aaron Stanford and Helena Bonham Carter as well as Hugh Jackman.

Where and How Does Your Character Live Now?
Home – In the beginning of the story, she lives with her parents, however, this changes somewhere in the middle of the story and she moves in with Tré, who claims he was starting to get Lonely without Ramona with him and Frankito still being so young he can't do anything with him like go to concerts, Lou agrees after a few weeks of convincing and knowing that she doesn't have a home to go back anymore anyway.
Household furnishings – as long as the rooms don't resemble a castle or a room that could belong to one of them Disney princesses, Lou is happy.
Favorite Possession – Her big black pirate flag hanging on her wall, whenever she's gone on a trip or something, she packs it with all her clothes for no reason
Neighborhood– Oakland, not to far from the main streets and clubs yet still pretty on the side of the town where everything is rather quiet. More to the side of the richer part of the city though, hates it yet loves the city Oakland.

Relationship with Family – Not that good, it used to be, now it's just...messed up
Career – has a desire to work as pyrotechnic
Dream Career – going on tour with as much bands as she can and so become one of the best Pyro's out there
Dream Life– a good job and starting a loving family, learning from her own parents mistakes and hoping she won't make the same ones
Hobbies– climbing trees
Sports or Clubs – Well she did start the official tree climbing club in her school, right now it only got two participants, herself and Andrea....
Talents – she got talent at copying the voice of whoever is singing through her headphones at that moment, not caring who it is, she always manages to sing almost just like him/her, something Andrea is jealous of...
Finances – Her parents keep posting a certain amount of money on her bank account each month so she's never broke, yet, even though she moves away from them due to reasons explained in the story, they keep posting the money, probably because they ordered the bank to do so and they forgot about it.
Health Problems – the scar on her side can act up but other than that nothing serious.

Your Character's Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers – going on tour with Emelie and Green Day and working with the Pyro company, one of the best in the business.
Past Lovers – She briefly dated one of the jocks but that was in her first months of high school and before she met Emelie, Andrea and Lyra, soon noticed that it was a stupid relationship anyway.
Biggest Mistakes – dating a jock in her first months of high school
Biggest Achievements – making friends for who she is and not because of her money

A Little Extra Information:
A.) If your character could have two whole weeks for vacation and go and do anything he or she wanted, what and where would it be? – Either a concert or somewhere where she can learn more about being a good Pyro, most of the time goes on tour with Green Day and Emelie if she can and if they are on tour in those two weeks.

B.) If your character had a weakness for one of the seven deadly sins, which one would it be and why? (pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, sloth) – Envy, she envies the life her friends have with their family.

C.) If your character could bring one person back to life and spend a whole day with him or her, who would it be and why? – Her grandmother, no matter how much of a bitch she could be, Lou really loved her grandmother.

D.) If your character won a three-million dollar lottery, what would he or she do with the money? – probably just put it on the back and save it for when she would ever wanted to go and live on her own, she has enough money and even though three-million dollar extra could never hurt, she'd either save it or waste it all away on charity or things she needs for her job.

E.) If your character could change one thing about him or herself, what would it be? ...her heritage probably, she has never been a girl to fit with the rich class

F.) What would your character do to relax after a bad day? – Find a Starbucks, and then just lock herself up in her room with her Ipod

G.) Where would your character go to hang out if he or she wanted to feel comfortable? – everywhere but in the same room as her parents or family

H.) What does your character do when he or she is angry? – Kick a wall, hit a wall, climb trees, eat trees, hit herself (a nasty habit she took up from Little Jimmy Urine) as long as she can vent

I.) Does your character have a secret passion? – Playing guitar in a band, even though she doesn't even own a guitar and has absolutely no skill of playing one.
May 29th, 2008 at 04:32pm