My first fight(s)

Last night me and Sally went over to Tony's house because we came into some money and we were going to go get some weed but we got over there and everyone was drinking and having like a pre-party for Sarah's birthday which is today.
So we stayed over there and were drinking Sparks, which is hella bomb bytheway and then a 30 with Shanovan and Jim, or whatever his name was and Shan was like "You guys can put that shit down, it makes me want to toss my cookies."
I just giggled. :] I can drink anything straight up.
Cheap, shitty rum? Yup!
That's the only thing that's ever gotten close to making me sick after drinking it.
Then me and Sally were a little buzzed, just like "haha let's do something" so we decided to have a fight.
Ahahaha, that was fucking badass. We took cigarette breaks when we were tired and then w e'd get back up and do it again. Finally I got Sally's left arm (she's getting a fucking giant ass bruise) and she was like "SHIT!" and punched my collar bone and then her fist went up and hit my neck. Oh god, I couldn't breathe for a few seconds after it happened.
Then we were sitting by the garden smoking and Jacob still wasn't back with the weed and we were losing our buzz so we walked back down the street to Sally's house and I called my mom and then we took Sally's two beers that are hidden in a shoe box in her room. They were warm but Henry gave us ice so it was all cool.
Jacob came back and whoever gave him the twenty bag that he got for Sally is a fucking idiot because that was not a twenty bag.
We got jewed.
Anyways, then we got high with Naomi and Pearl and Shan, on Sally's little sneak pipe that gets clogged so fast. We were all on the back porch and they were dancing and Pearl was on this like leg muscle strengthener thing and she was like "GOTTA WORK OUT MY LEGS I GOTTA WALK HOME" and I was like "hahaha"
I basically started laughing randomly throughout the night. Then Sally and Sarah went in the front to smoke a bowl and everyone was like "Where'd they go?" and I was like "Uhhh they're smoking in the front." And Naomi went around to see if they were like in the front or over by the garden. Then we all moved to the front of the house and sat on the front steps, well actually I sat on the garden fence until we smoked another bowl and then I was standing up with Naomi smokin' and couldn't decide what to do because I was really sick of standing up and I couldn't sit down because my body was in pain so I just laid right there on the ground. Pearl came out and she was like "You're on the floor? Why are you on the ground? SARAH GET HER A PILLOW!"
I was just like "I have my purseee...eeee" Basically chain smoking on the ground and Naomi took pictures of me. Everybody was like "Are you okay? o:" and I was just like "I'm cool : D" .
Then Tony came outside and was like "Where's Chelsie?" Everybody is like laughing and Shanovan was like "She's chillin'" And he looks over and he's like "Hahaha you're on the ground." Then he went back inside he was like playing video games or something and me and Sally started fighting again and he was like "You were basically passing out on the ground and now you're fighting Sally?"
Then he decided to start taking pictures of us fighting. Those are pretty badass I might post them up later, and the ones of me on the ground.
He like pulled one of the lamps off the fence and was holding it for us. That was the last fight of the night but it was the longest. Then we sat on the steps and smoked a few cigs, me and Naomi compared felonies and then we rolled out.
Got back to Sally's house and I laid down on Sally's bed and basically that's all I remember of last night.
And we're going to do it again today!
So those pictures might be up later after I steal them from Naomi.
May 29th, 2008 at 07:54pm