

This is perhaps one of the weirdest dreams i've had. maybe that's why i can still remember a lot of the details despite several hours of being awake.


I was standing on top of a cathedral
A little girl in a frilly dress was holding my hand

We were escaping, i guess
the cathedral was a front
it was a mental institution
The girl was a patient

We jumped from the roof
landed outside the gate of the cathedral/institution
we were safe
none of the authorities crossed the gate

a man was charging at us from the other side of the road
he had a knife (i remember it having saw-like teeth)

he crossed our path
and knelt in front of the cathedral
praying for forgiveness

he stood and walked towards me
the knife was a blue rose
and he gave it to me

he fled.


i also had another one with GErard way holding a rose and crying for an unnamed woman.
May 30th, 2008 at 09:12am