My annoying trip to the zoo. 05.30.08

Today, I went to the zoo and I was so excited knowing what group I was in. I was hoping that I would be with a certain person--Jason. When my homeroom teacher was telling everybody the groups I was crossing my fingers. Thinking in my head "Please, I really want to be with Jason." After she called my name, I was outraged I was with a group with Jeremy. He is the most annoying person I have ever met. Rumors saying that he likes me, and I hate him, a lot! But I found out I was with one of my good friends, Emily. She was there for me a times. When we got on the bus, a bunch of guys asked to switch phones since I hated my phone. I figured out they added their number to my phone. The whole bus ride was fine. Finally, I was at the zoo, Mr. Garison called for our groups I was thinking "Is he in this groups please be with this group". I found out he was in Mr. Arena's group. A sprinkle of sadness went down my throat. As I took pictures of all the animals, I was frantically looking for Jason trying every way trying to take a picture of him. No luck. When I had lunch, I swallowed carefully my sandwich. Eating every sweet and sour grape down into my throat. Everybody was talking to each other. After lunch. everybody wanted to on the skyfari who had money. I did but I didn't want to leave Em. So I walked the group and saw Jason there. As I tried to take my camera out to take a picture of him, Jason and his friends Chris and Dylan starts talking to me and we talked about monkeys and sea lions. Then we left each other going different directions. Going to the bus I saw him standing watching me. I stared him back and he want into the bus he needed to. On the way back to school. I fell asleep thinking of Jason on what he is doing. When we got back to school I went inside my homeroom then passed by his locker. I was waiting for my friends Holly bring her stuff home. Then Erik came up to me and asked "How was the trip?" Jason right besides him. I said "It was fine". Then left and got on the bus and left the school. Thinking how this day had its up and downs.
June 1st, 2008 at 03:51am