First time for everything, I guess.

One of my best friends, Taylor (guy), graduated this year, and his graduation party was today. I, of course, went. My friend Brenda went with me, and while we were there, this guy who is going to be a sophomore this year (I graduated in '07, by the way) started hitting on us. It was kind of awkward.

Usually, I would have no problems getting hit on, however, with this guy, it was not welcomed. Not to mention, he acts gay (literally...not like 'omg that's so gay') and was really lame. lol. His 'pickup line' (that in itself would have most girls rolling their eyes and saying 'oh dear...another worthless attempt at picking up a girl') was "Hi, Taylor, Ashley, Brittany, and two lovely girls I don't know, but wouldn't mind getting to know. *wink*" Hahaha how lame.

I don't think I've ever met a 'gay' guy who was lame. Most of them are hilarious and fun to hang out with. Like the title of this journal states, there's a first time for everything, I guess. Anyway, so that was the exciting part of my day. As pathetic as it was, lol. I just felt like sharing it. All the while probably helping some girl realize that the last guy that hit on her was not nearly as pathetic as she thought. Haha thanks for reading, and maybe it wasn't entirely pointless for you to read it. Maybe you laughed a time or two like I did after the "...and two lovely girls I don't know, but wouldn't mind getting to know. *wink*" part.

June 1st, 2008 at 06:40am