I Beg of You


Honestly, I do not beg a lot. Really, I try not to. But see, I am in a very hyper/not in the mood to do homework, and no one good enough to talk to is on AIM...SO, I am going to ask YOU people instead!!!!! WOOO!!!! (not =P)

Soooo, I make these music videos, right? Basically, they're songs imbedded into the video with crappy backrounds 'cause I don't have the type of equipment to upload videos of myself playing live. Which in itself is a good and bad thing, but I won't explain that for now.

So basically, I am asking you to listen to one or two of my videos and comment on them. I have a few original songs, and then I have some covers of bands like the Beatles and Story of the Year. I cover a pretty wide variety of songs, so it's all good.

I'm pretty much just advertsing my videos 'cause I really need comments on them. I have a few from my friends, but I'd really appreciate comments from people I don't know. And if you like them, subscribing to them would be AWESOME.

And just a little news piece for ya, my friend, Kayla (she has a youtube account, too. Eatyourpeas18. very funny kid!) will soon colaborate with me over the summer so that she can record me playing the guitar and singing and crap like that, and then we are going to make a music video out of that. Like, a legit one, so it's gonna look pretty cool.

Soooooo without further ado, these are my videos. If you have any comments about them, comment on the video on youtube, but if you don't have a youtube account, then just comment here. THANK YOU! (if you were nice enough and had a heart to comment haha =P)

Sidewalks (cover, originally by Story of the Year)

Look at Me (original)
[youtube] http://youtube.com/watch?v=FWWZLqg-4-E[/youtube]

Come On (original)
[youtube] http://youtube.com/watch?v=wva1Aw5MMmY[/youtube]

Untitled (original)

I Will Follow You into the Dark (cover, Deathcab for Cutie)
[youtube] http://youtube.com/watch?v=w0_IBqB1HP0[/youtube]

First Day of My Life (cover, Bright Eyes)
[youtube] http://youtube.com/watch?v=AxwvqgOv6Qw[/youtube]

Only One (cover, Yellowcard)
[youtube] http://youtube.com/watch?v=h6czaunr2g8[/youtube]

With a Little Help from My Friends, version 2 (cover, the Beatles)

Across the Universe (cover, the Beatles)

With a Little Help from My Friends (cover, the Beatles)
[youtube] http://youtube.com/watch?v=8niXI0eWvKs[/youtube]
June 1st, 2008 at 11:59pm