i'm a bit to late. (chicago panic(!) concert.)

jon: "does anyone have a bracelet for brendon?"

brendon: "hey if you wanna give me bracelets, gimme your bracelet!"

(bracelets smacking him and his guitar)

brendon: "hey uh... alright STOP giving me your bracelets..."

brendon: "i wish i was an octopus for this reason.... YO! throw me your WALLETS!"

jon: "so ryan ross got a tambourine about two months ago"

ryan: " i also got a tambourine, but i ALSO just got hit in the face with a bracelet that says love. that's pretty ironic. i'm gonna have a black eye, because of love, from you! tough love... tough love...alright well listen. i'm gonna wear this, and we're gonna play this, and i'm gonna play the tambourine... its a folk song, i think you guys know which one i'm talking about."

brendon: "so if you feel CAMP-Y, here you go.."


I went to both concerts, so I enjoyed Brendon breaking his guitar string the second concert and Ryan making fun of him for it.

Oh yeah, and some chick threw Brendon sun glasses at the beginning of some song, and he wore it and spazzed out.

(Ryan and Brendon ran into eachother. Stupid 'tards. xD)


I died mostly through the first concert. Couldn't last through the second concert and had to be pulled out by the security guards after Motion City Soundtrack.


xoxo Lyler.
June 2nd, 2008 at 06:01am