Lazy River

Okay. I am OFFICIALLY in love with Coldplay!!


I have listened to Viva La Vida a bazillion times, researched the lyrics, made everyone shut up when the commercial came on during the season finale of American Idol, looked up wallpapers under the song name for my computers, and much much more.

I'm an obsessed nerd, I know. And I don't really care.


Speaking of obsessed....

I'm on a book strike until Breaking Dawn comes out. (AUGUST SECOND, BABY!!) Then I will read and reread until I have memorized it.

Again, I know I'm a nerd.



effing go on there!!! LIKE, NOW!!

All I can say is, Thank Gawd for Mibba.

'Cause I'd probably go crazy if I couldn't post my stories while on a book strike.

Which reminds me, during the summer, there will be a couple of weeks where I won't be posting. Like, one week in June, and then from July 5th to July 20-something. Sorry about that. I'll update a heck of a lot before to keep you guys occupied before that happens.

BTW, I'm also a HP fan.

And they're separating DH into 2 different movies!!

*squeal x2*

And speaking of movies, The Dark Knight comes out while I'm at the beach!!!



Tomorrow's my last day in school (that is, if I pass my exams. Hopefully.)!! Yes!

Lazy River, here I come!!

June 2nd, 2008 at 03:44pm