i'm ***ing out of here.

this is where i currently reside:

Martinez, CA, a town with a popultaion of 35,000.

which is right smack-dab next to this:

Tell me why someone would put a gigantic refinery in the middle a small town...?

I'm sick of it here. Martinez is the little suburbian town in the middle of the Bay Area. Gross, greenish-brown water surrounds it which blends in with the dull, faded blue of the polluted sky. Everyone knows everyone, and their business. You can't drive down the main road of Martinez without seeing someone you know. And you imagine if someone is from out of town if they don't have an Alhambra Bulldogs sticker on their car.

I'm different than most people. I believe my life hasn't really started just yet. My life starts on June 10, 2010 - the day I turn 18 and get the fuck out of this shithole.


Huntington Beach, CA - this is my furture home. Yes, part of the reason is that Avenged Sevenfold was established here...but that is only a small part. I love the infamous Orange County. I love looking at the ocean & the palm trees, and not the dirt hills and smoke stacks of Martinez. Everytime I go to So Cal, I feel like I'm home...like I was meant to be born & raised there.

I'm going to be a tour manager. I'm going to live the "rockstar lifestyle", because that is was I truely see myself doing. I wasn't created to have a normal nine-to-five job. I want to make mistakes, and learn from those mistakes to make myself a better person. I want to travel the world and be in a different state or country every week.

But none of this can happen until I am 18.....two years to go.
June 3rd, 2008 at 12:52am