Another Year.. Memories Will Last.

So. We have passed another year as of Friday.
We are now considered Juniors. Shouldn't we be happy?
That means we only have two more years together.
I've known most you since I moved here, Back in the 5th grade.
We've joined together to one of our common interests: music
Our memeories will last. Remeber that kids.
I don't want school to end..

So on a lighter note, let's talk about so good times with the Mifflin Band!!!

1. Ahh.. Pixy Stix. Seriously people, don't try to snort htem. It hurts. Alot. It even made me pratically cry. Both, we all crazy during that football game, sooo.

2. Me, Alora, and Heather singing our "We're So Cold" song. LOL.
*We'reeeee soooooo coooolllldddddd!!* *shiver, shiver*. And Andrew all like "Wtf Why are you singing? lol. I think it was b/c I was singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer..
Did we win that game? I don't remember.

3. Hmmm.. Oh! Me pointing out Ex- Papa and Andrew getting all pissy b/c Ex-Papa was staring at Heather. lol

4. Woot! Us stripping on the buses. Or running around in our underwear in the Auditorium. Or watching guys dance around in their boxers.

5. Riku Pops! Nuff siad.


Sorry, a little random I know. It's just that we have soo much fun all the time. Our little gang will always stick together. Right?
June 5th, 2008 at 03:03am