Human Stupidity (dont hate me, its true)

Please realize, this blog doesn't apply to all, and im just talking about the many stupidities of the human race, who claim to be oh-so-bright and allmighty. i apologize to the offended, but dude, this is fuckin truth.

I honestly cannot understand the avaerage human mind. We watch other children starve in other countries, not by choice, but they have nothing. Then we look at the lucky children in the world, and some of them refusing to eat, they don't like the food, they want to be thinner, well, goddammit you all! Some children don't have a friggin choice and you are BLESSED so why would you throw that away? Don't. The next time picture a poor child, who's ribs are showing, and think of all you have to be thankful for and don't just throw it away.

Wy is everyone worried about getting the next, thinner iPod, but not about how are fossil fuel go?Yeah, maybe it won't effect out generation, but its going to cost our grandkids, and if thats what you want for them, fine. there's so many more important things than the clothing thats in style, the entertainment tech, and whatever great star is on tv. Not many seeming to be worried how gas is running out, and tryingto make an alternative. not too many are working to save the earth from global warming and the poor habits and ecosystems that will go with it. dont you love polar bears? yeah, kiss their ass good-bye, cause thats where their headed, man. cant you all just go out side and pick up couple of can and random trash and throw it away for the true morons who, even after knowing this, dont seem to care? yeah. think about whether you're helping or hurting the earth next time you toss that can on the side of the road. heck, man, its like a house. you keep it in complete filth, never air it out, never pick up, and never clean or change anything, you'll run out of the things you need fast and itll slowly become a place you cant live in.

Why pay the models more thanthe engineers? the engineers are only the ones who've made mostly eveything you need to live nowadays but those models advertise that hot new lip gloss, so duh, the models are waaaay more important!

i know im worked up, and i probably sound obnixious, and bitchy and you might want to shoot me know, but tell me thats not true. it sooois and you know, and you watch it with your own eyes. some people have begun to work towards a better earth and im forever gratefull, and look up to you, and hope the fucking rest of the population will get off their fat butts and HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
June 5th, 2008 at 05:34am