
I think I would like a peice of cake! I know I said that I would make Oatmeal squares later, but I went Hilary's with Crystal instead, and we ate chicken noodle soup and watched 'Pretty in Pink', that movie is good, yet excrutiatingly painful.... Just now, I went a grabbed myself the last peice of cake, and so far it's delicious! Yummy, cake!
When I was in Japan, I gave these two friends of my host sisters some canadien money(just a loonie or toonie maybe?) and one of the boys checked his wallet, then he and other boy took us out for cake! I had a white cake with whipped cream and maderin slices in between layers, and on the top was a really nice white icing with strawberries making a nice flower in the middle of my piece, it was truly delicious!
And when I was in west ed , I went to the chinese market and they had not only some wonderful candy like caramel corn, but they also had wonderful cake like that of which I tasted in Japan! How I long for it!

Today was a good day though! And I especially like to top it off with cake! (Get my pun? top it off?! I crack myself up!)
June 5th, 2008 at 06:15am