Safety Camp

Well you see over May long weekend I went to Safety Camp to get my H2S Alive course (which by the way, I passed), and my Boyfriend Davin came along as well to get his H2S course done. A couple of my friends came as well their names are...Jacke, Reid (Jackie's boyfriend), Allan, and Amber. At Safety Camp there were these rules Called SAD.... no Sex, Alchol, and Drugs. Which means that the couple there weren't allowed to hold hands or even kiss!
But anyways the first day of Safety Camp was our H2S Alive was 8 hours long! That's longer than school! at first it was all good, no one was fighting or anything. But then everyone started to get cranky by lunch time. Reid, Davin, and Allan were at each other's throats pretty much. Over something stupid...which by the way I don't remember why. But hey I was grand...happy and enthusastic. When we went back to our course we had to put on Gas Mask on. I thinking it would be fine about it. Even though I'm a little clasterphobic I went for it. When I put everything on, I forgot to put on my air tank and I couldn't breath. Allan turned the nob thingy and I had air! But shortly after I started not to be able to breath and I was taking shorter breaths and I was crying! I got the mask of and I was better. It didn't feel like everything was closing in on me and all that. I was the only one like was sad. but after that we did first aid and all that. When we did our test I passed with a 92% and I didn't use the book, cause I thought it wasn't an open book exam. And it was! Everyone that took that course had passed and I am happy for them.
After the course was done everyone was happier and we got to eat supper! I was starving! So I pigged out and ate alot. and then after that we went and played capture the flags. My boyfriend was on the oppisite side of me and Ried. Jackie didn't play. I was caught and tookin to jail when I heard a huge thud. I turned around and saw my boyfriend sprawled on the ground and Reid doing circles in the air and thudding on the ground a few feet away from Davin. I waited till I was brought out of jail and I ran to see i Davin was ok. He was ok but I do believe he tour his tendence in his left arm! so I and Davin stopped playing the game.
The next day after the events and other course we did Reid played tackle football and got his nose broken. I was sad that I didn't get to see it, but I gave the people a hi-5 hen I found out who it was though! After many events in the Weekend it was a grand weekend even though I'm still woundering why it's called Safety Camp when two people got seriously hurt?
June 5th, 2008 at 06:23pm