
Hey everyone and welcome to the first journal entry about my exciting (not) life!
First off my name is Korey Combs...I live in England and I am a military brat. Before England I was in Germany. I have also lived in Washington, Texas, and Alaska where I was born. I like living over seas. It is a great expirience to see, live in, and some times taste new cultures. Sadly my time over seas is limited and I will be movig back to the states in August. i will be living in Idaho...yes the potatoe state and by the way...YOU DA HOE!!!! HA! I got to before you could...(sorry about that its just that I have heard it so many times its just annoying now...well yeah thats about it for today...feel free to comment! Bye.
June 5th, 2008 at 08:54pm