June the 5th

Midget is still ill.

The boy talked to me.

Sydney's boyfriend dumped her--of course as a senior, he was only using that freshman.

I got out of class early--TO GET MY BRACES OFF! There was blood and screaming. No joke.

But it was worth it...<3. I bought 3 packs of gum.

Oh, so then in PE we were playing wiffleball--of course I was apathetic. So I got shit for that.

"She not even tryin'!"

"Pssht, no shit."

"*angry black girl drabble*"


And then there was another "fire" so we all went outside. I rolled down a hill. Then they made us go back inside to get our shit, then go outside again. So stupid. Found myself under a tree with John, Loren, and Charlotte.

I wanna move.
June 5th, 2008 at 11:48pm