Thursday June Fifth

Dear Mibba,

Today was the awards ceremony for my school. The only awards I got were if-you-sign-up-for-it-and-stick-it-out-you-get-an-award awards, like chorus and library aide and if-you-get-a-good-enough-grade-you-get-an-award awards, like Science Fair and Presidential award (good grades throughout all three years of middle school). There was a slideshow, and I asked the girl who made it why there weren't any Beatles songs on it, and she said it's because the songs are all geared toward moving on to a new chapter in our life songs. I then asked her how 'Crank That Soulja Boy' was geared toward moving on to a new chapter in our life.

I felt kinda sick today, and it got worse as the day went on, but I'm better now. Just in case you cared.

Halfway through the day I found out that I was wearing my underwear on inside out, so I was kinda embarrassed about that.

And at my piano lesson (the first one in about a month cause my teacher needed surgery) I thought my piano teacher was bitchier than usual. She was just kinda like "You're doing this wrong. Do it over"

I was sad today because I found out that 5 handwritten pages equals less than two typed pages if I write on my brown paper. On white, two handwritten pages equal one typed page. But I'm almost done with chapter seven of My Famous Friends. It should be out tomorrow.

I want to go to my teacher's funeral on Saturday, but it might not be appropriate. The family might want it to be them and personal friends of my former teacher.

Well, it's getting late so I better go…

One week of school left! WHOO!

Happy Birthday Pete Wentz!

Later days!
June 6th, 2008 at 03:52am