Beautiful Dream

This is my first entry and I'am somewhat bored. I can think of nothing, but my favorite bands in the whole world. Which are, Tokio Hotel and the Jonas Brothers. Don't be a hater. I had two wonderful somewhat dreams with TH.
I was running and running up this stairwell, running and getting no where. I was getting tired and simply couldn't go on. Then out of no wear Bill Kaulitz shows up, takes my hand and together we walk up the stairs forever; to never find a ending.
We (me and TH) went all over the country (I think we were in europe or something) and then all over the world setting up these HUGE speakers. As tall as two-story houses and very wide. Then we went to a beach where a stage was set up. Then TH got on stage and started playing "Final Day" and then the sky sorta got cloudy and slightly darker. The sky was filled with lighting and thunder. But it never rained a drop. The wves began rolling a bit, but not enough to hurt someone. Then fireworks exploded into the air.

Both beautiful dreams.
June 6th, 2008 at 04:07am