Thursday June 5, 2008

Hey beauties,

At the moment I am on my laptop and watching AFV on TV. My dog is also sitting next to me whining for me to rub her belly. It's a pretty entertaining time.

So, today was okay. Last day of being a freshman so give me a HELL YES! It was great, I passed all my finals with over a B+. I'm happy about that. My best friend, Megan and I hung out after school which was freaking rad. I loved it. We also hung out with my best guy friends little brother who is probably the cutest little kid I have ever seen. He's adorable and looks just like Jeff, my best guy friend. It was funny because Jeff was being lazy and didn't wanna jump on his tramp, so we asked Tommy if he wanted to. Jeff was like 'he's not going to' and Tommy was like 'I will jump on the tramp with you'. I love when Jeff is wrong because he hates it, you can tell. He deserves it with an ego like his.

Finals were long, but not bad. I did well and finished about an hour early on each one. So then my peers were subjected to me laughing every five seconds because I chose to watch the TAI TV podcast on my ipod. Haha, man I love TAI. I can't wait for August third to come around.

Finally, I only have one chapter up on my story. That will change, hopefully, by tomorrow. I'm writing at a slow rate and I didn't try to update at all this last week because well, finals. Since tomorrow is offically Summer, I think I'll finish the second chapter. That's not for sure because my friend and I are probably going to hang out tomorrow, so lets see if I get to it.

Well, I hope all of you had a great day.
Mine wasn't so bad ;)

June 6th, 2008 at 04:28am