OK last end of school year adventure. . . I promise! (I dont even think ppl read them anyway)

Sooo wooooo we got outttt todayyy! And dude it was sooo hot. In the morning we had a talent show. It was kinda cool i guess. These two girls who sing like angelsssss sung. And this dude who can play and write music like a genius played the piano. And then they tried to get everyone to do the YMCA but it didn't work so well cuz the CD wouldn't play and the people were really crappy at singing It. OK and then in all the classes we just pretty much hung out and watched movies. And one of my guy friends said he thought i was cute and i was like "awwww" cuz he's amazing and I love him. And then we had this cookout thing for lunch outside and it was already bad enough because it was so hot out but then for some odd reason some kid decides to throw a friggin can of pop. And just my friggin luck it lands by my feet and splatters ALL over me; up my back, on my legs, in my hair and everything. So that made me pretty mad. But all my amazing friends and everything started yelling and attacking them. So then we get inside and everyone is like clumped together and you can't get through. And all the sudden there is this flying can of pepsi comming at us. And once again it gets all over us and it got on megans bag and in her hair and ugh it was just disgusting and really really sticky. Thennnn we had this stupid thing called "Wacky Wars" where we sit in the *hot* *hot* gym and watch stupid people who signed up run around like freaks. And it's just really entertaining. And so then we left the building and are waiting for my friends mom to come pick us up and then my other friend whos moving comes over to us. And we're hugging her and telling her goodbye and all the sudden she just starts crying which makes all of us cry because so many people have left and are leaving us this year and it just really sucks. But anyways so then that happens and then megans' mom gets there and we go to her house and hang out and swim in her pool and eat stuff and walk around the neighbor hood. And then we're like "Duude we are now officially Freshman" and then we're like "Whoa. Kinda wierd". And that is how I spent my first day of summer.
June 7th, 2008 at 02:11am