My Family

My family consists of six. My mom, my dad, my older brother, my Golden Retriever named Buddy, my half chihuahua, half pomeranian named Gizmo, and me. Yes, I do count my pets as family. The reason being is because I grew up with both of them. I also have a cat named Hobbes, but he is in the states right now living with my uncle. Anyways My mom is thirty-eight years-old, my dad is thirty-nine years-old, my brother Anthony is eighteen years old, Buddy is thirteen years old, Gizmo is twelve years old, and I of course am fourteen years old...My dad works as the airfield manager at RAF Mildenhal, my mom works as an accountant at RAF Lakenheath, and my brother works at the commisary at RAF Lakenheath... I am in the eighth grade right now and my brother is in eleventh grade. School for the both of us ends on the twelth of June...In other words this Thursday and then in July I will be in a program called "summer hire". It is a program for teens 14 and up where they work and get paid...After I am finished working I will be paid a little under $1000. It is sooooo awesome! And then in August I will be moving to Idaho to start up school who knows where. The thing that sucks about moving over the summer between 8th and 9th grade is the fact that I won't be able to go to highschool with my friends which probably means that I will die on freshman friday...ugh...well that is it for today!

June 7th, 2008 at 05:01pm