What a week....

lol looking back on this week, i'm surprised i don't have 2 casts, so i'm not too worried; but actually i haven't had a week like this in a few yrs

Ok Phil is my Brother, he’s 26, and he’s like...awesome just so everyone knows.

I got to go up to Wisconsin to see my brand new lil niece, Emmersen Kay. My bro called and he’s like...so I guess you’re an aunt. I was like...holy shit....thanks Phil, now I feel old. He’s like....ha...you feel old...nice...

Ok so my neighbor 3 houses down called my neighbor 2 houses called my mom while my nextdoor neighbor just watched. My mom called my brother phil. Me and him were working on the stairs, my mom asked him if there was something wrong with the docks, so he gets up, walks over to the window, drops the phone, and yells ‘HOLY SHIT!’ Now, this is what grabbed my attention, because Phil lives in a house with 4 other guys where he lives in Vermont, so they cuss a lot, and he’s been watching his lingo since he’s been home. [not that the swearing bothers me, you all know] so I scrambled up the stairs, tripped, cut mah toe open, didn’t stop, saw the docks floating up the poles that were sunk into the mud in the river. So I gun it out the deck door, he heads down to the garage door, throwing his phone, and wallet, and shit out of his pockets along the way. i swear to god...i was like jaw dropped eyes popping running towards the water. srsly thou i stopped on the deck connected to the docks and my brother must've read mah mind cuz he was like GET BACK GET BACK GET BACK and i was about to jump in. he was like ther's nothing u can do! i was like i gotta try! and then we were both like THE ROPES [cuz we left sum attached after we put the docks in just till the poles were set] and he's like GO GET SOME ROPES! *me sprinting throught the mud puddle of a yard in my flip flops to the garage before realizing that nothing is where it's supposed to be because of the flood* ~insert string of profanities as i begin digging through the piles~ phil [mah bro] comes running in 'where are they?!' i was like 'how the hell should i know???!' and just then i found them, threw them at him, grabbed some more, and sprinted back out side, where mah neighbor was pullin in the dock ropes tighter. and i swear on my life, phil didn't even stop to drop the ropes, he didn't stop to think, he just jumped in the river in his jeans, shirt shoes, fully dressed. and at this point i hate what i did next] I just stood there. i didn't get in the water. then i just ran inside, grabbed towels, hot coffee, a camera for insurance pics, and sprinted back outside, suggested that they tie on the ramp so it doesn't put a hole in the dock floats, or boat pontoons. but...god...i SAW the docks flyin off the poles and i still can't believe it...it's fuckin crazy. omg i'm so proud thou...i didn't panic. i just like...did wat i needed to do, i kept my head [or half of it anyways which is pretty good for a 14 yr old girl] and then i spent about 6 hrs in the water, or getting tools, or beer, or planning on how to flip them back over, or cooking for people, or flushing snakes. dude...i was hella pissed when i had to leave for my chiro appt i almost skipped it but my mom remembered. I didn’t like that I wasn’t going to be able to do anything cuz I wasn’t there.

Oh...then the lil neighbor boy’s beach ball blew into the river, and since I was already soaking wet I was like, fuck it, I’ll go it. Well yah, me and my herion act lasted 10 minutes, and a whole bunch of slips.

Tuesday Night/Wednesday during the day:
Major over sleeping activity happened here. This means that I didn’t get to sleep till 2 AM [which in turn meant I may have gotten bored and infringed on the law in...a few ways... :P you know you love me...don’t tell anyone.]

Um....well...a sucky captain’s practice...that was bad cuz I had to get up early.
I think this may have been a biproduct of my lack of sleep. But I was workin on the new deck that’s basically a skeleton right now. Well, I stepped on a loose board that I thought was screwed down, and went crashing down through the deck. Ouchie.
Phil, god bless his heart [he’s really my step bro, but I’ve known him since I was born] was leaving to go meet up with some friends and he stopped at the stairs. ‘Did your mom leave?’ Yeah. ‘Does she usually leave before dad gets here?’ Yeah. ‘Ah divorced parents.’ [obv. his are divorced too] It can be a little akward. ‘Yah, I know mine got divorced when I was a Junior in HS. I know what it’s like.’ [says the boy who was the first to tell me that it’s ok to not know what the heck I wanna do with my life. He gets me...finally someone gets me. You have no idea how great that feels.]
Damage report-
Outer lower right leg- completely bruised.muslce. [tuesday]
Right knee- bruised bones, tendons, skin. [tuesday]
Inner arm [from wrist to half to elbow on both arms]- mercilessly bruised [?]
Right foot- multiple nasty blisters. [?]
Whole body- mosquito bites up the ying yang. [throughout week]
Right thumb- Smashed in a door [Friday]
Whole body- multiple cuts [um...whole week]
Outer half of upper left leg-cut up, scraped, swollen, and bruised like you wouldn’t believe.
Lots of naps due to hard work- reinstated my insomnia.
Below right knee- skinned, swollen, and deeply bruised.

Honestly though guys, you are prolly gunna be all, omg that sucks, and OUCH. But honestly. I’d relive it in a heartbeat because this was just like...a great week. People appreciated eachother, they helped each other, they worried about each other, and. I wish I could do it over because I know that’s not gunna happen again for a very long time.
June 7th, 2008 at 08:31pm