People die; Ideas don't.

There's a lot of things that we all take for granted,
and maybe, I'm jsut realizing this or something...
I'm not really sure why I'm so inspired that I had to write about it.
Maybe I'll turn it into a poem or a song or something, not that I have a good enough voice to sing it, but like most things, I'm sure that wouldn't matter...
But for now, I'll jsut write a journal about it.

We all get so angry over the stupidest things; I'll admit I do it.
Do we really need to? I mean... does it really effect us THAT much?
Like when the line-up at the coffee shop is too long, so you have to skip your coffee break.
Or when we're walking down the street and someone happened to yell out something rude.
Honestly, who the fuck cares? It's just their own immaturity.
What about when we get all worked up over people who just take things a little to far...
Sure, it does seem immature to us, but aren't they jsut enjoying the moment?
Aren't they just living life they way they want, even if just or a moment?
We're all immature in our own ways- Yes, shoving those straws up your nose DOES count...

But why don't we ever realize jsut how good we have it.
How many of us just take the time to just sit and enjoy a good moment, even when we're supposed to be rushing around like mindless bees.
What about the moments right before the sun does down, when the sky turns bright red.
Or when everything gets peacefully quite.
Or when we see an old friend.
Or when our favourite song comes on the radio.
Or when you actually get along with your parents.
Or when you and your boyfriend/girlfriend are alone;
just talking; just enjoying eachothers company.

Who decided what was going to be right and wrong?
Who was the smart-ass that decided that they could tell us what people are and aren't aloud to do.
Everyone lives their lives differently.
We're all different.
Nothing needs to make sense all the time.
We jsut need to relax for a moment.
We need to live life the way that we want, not worry about someone elses rules.
People die; ideas don't.
Don't live your life the way someone else wants you to.
Reward yourself, so that when your time comes, whenther it's when your 70, or 80 or 90 and beyond.
Hell, it could be tomorrow- But the point is, that is you live joyfully, you'll be able to say that you did. And I think that maybe that makes it all worth it...

I don't even know what this is about anymore,
but maybe you'll know.
Maybe you'll catch my drift. ;)

Pansy .xo
June 7th, 2008 at 11:07pm