Kiddie Porn and Baby Prostitutes

Great first entry eh? lolz

Well anyways I have to say some people are just messed up yet there is another reason why there are so many registered sex offenders in the world. Im just talking about little pre puberty children acting like mini Britney Spears and thats it.

I went to a friends BBQ last week and there was this girl there that I use to baby sit... you know til I found someone insane enough to hire me lolz. But she had the most beautiful red hair and shes about 9 or 10 now. She came running to me immeadiately and holy shizzit. She had on one of short vajayjay skirts and a plunging neckline shirt that goes down to the bellybutton. She had on heavy eye make and ruined her gorgeous red hair by straightening it and putting horrible blonde highlights in it. And her mom kept telling me how cute she was... That is about one of the most disgusting things Ive ever heard. My mum wouldve killed me if I dressed like that and shes always trying to get me to buy 'smexier' clothing.

So anyway Im sitting of by myself with a friend I havent seen in about a year to catch up and the girl is sitting on my lap and she starts playing songs for me on her Ipod [I dont even have one of those] and they are all those songs like Lollipop by Lil Wayne. I like some rap more from the 70s era [You cant not beat Funkytown or Funky Cold Madena] But I cant stand all that crap

But I want to know ow a mother does that to thier kid. Your just begging for phedophiles at that point. And what is the girl going to be like in high school and those lovely preteen years? I can only imagine what her clothes will be like then.
June 8th, 2008 at 03:48am