I thought summer would suck...

But so far it's awesome! First day of summer, and I'm happy. I went to watch a musical at my friend's high school (she goes to public, I go to private... makes me sad :( ), which was good. Well, most of it anyway. Some of it was kind of annoying because the singers or actors or whatever were whispering and I was like, "Are they actually saying anything or are they just moving their jaws up and down?" Other than that it was good though.

Also I got hired today. I'm supposed to make two powerpoint presentations for this lady I babysit for. She's going to pay me $100! SO. AWESOME. Originally, she was going to take me on the cruise where she was giving the presentation as payment for my work, but the cruise is the same week school starts, so I can't go. :'( Oh well, it's still $100.

Um... let's see. What else has been happening?... Oh! I can get my permit now! *parties* I was actually able to earlier (May 28), but I forgot. Stupid me. And... and... and.......... Oh, yeah, I'm going to the beach for three or four days. So no Mibba (WAHHH!). But it'll still be fun. I get to see an super-huge art show while I'm there. It's right on the beach, too! Aahh... Life has been good to me lately. Which is nice, because all the rest of this year has totally beaten on me. I'm not even gonna get started on that.

Goodbyez, fellow Mibbians.

June 8th, 2008 at 05:58am