ARRESTED. Again...

Well, last evening, I got in a fight with my mom at her friend's apartment. he was at work and she wanted to drive out to Fremont. It was almost 9 o'clock. Well, I told her I wasn't going to go. No way in Hell. So, she decided that she would persuade me to go by punching me in the back of the head. i didn't like that too much so what was my first impulse? Punch back. And I did, right in the ribs. Then she tried to say that she was pregnant, 2 months. Apparently she went to the doctor with my lil sis and found out. First off, she can't get pregnant: she got her tubes tied AND got an IUD. And who the Hell is going to have sex with her, of all people? She's practically anorexic with a little beer gut to match and a huge pouch under her chin (like a frog). Ugh. Well, I ended up out in the parking lot crying with her screaming at me to get in the car. I just wanted to go home with my dad, but quite frankly he was at his girlfriend's house. yay me. So, got in the car and told her I hated her, without remorse. it's true after all. I mean, I've said it in vain before, but I've been putting up with her for 13 years of my fifteen year lifespan and there is only so much I can take. So she speeds off going around 50 mph over a speed bump. I started crying again and my little sister was screaming. I won't go into the details of the trip to Fremont, but I will say that she kept going 70 in a 45 zone and drove over a median. Twice. Well, we enter the Fremont city limits and get pulled over right away. She gets a DWI and goes to jail for the second time in a month. So we got stuck going to her boyfriend's house (who can't drive for 15 years but drove anyway) from 12 to 10 this morning and then my dad fliped out and rescued us. It isnt like mom's boyfriend is a bad guy, hes just REALLY stupid and i hate it. Mom got out at Noon because JP (the boyfriend) bailed her out. great. Damn, ranting feels good!!!
June 8th, 2008 at 11:48pm