OK I'm going to go crazy!

I can't get to my laptop because it's at home. I have 3 stories on it and I should be working on them before I start any new ones. I'm also now addicted to Cat Stevens, and I been listening to him for almost 2 weeks straight. The only other things I've listened to are "Pink" by Aerosmith[my favorite song and color], "Crazy Bitch" by Buckcherry, and "It Ends Tonight" by All American Rejects. I need to memorize my music for my band and for marching band next year. KNA [Kingdom Near Apocalypse] is my band and I have 6 songs that I need to memorize: Vomit of Evil Thoughts, Angelic Indignation in the Face of the Devil, Pretentious Fornication, and You're All I Got were written by my cousin, I'll Change for You and Metal Princess are the two I wrote. So much stuff to do and so much getting on my nerves I think I'm going crazy.
June 9th, 2008 at 04:06pm